Good Morning to you too

A beautiful quiet morning disrupted by a cuckoo doodle doo is how my morning starts. The alarm has not gone off so I sit in bed cursing the bloody cockerel for waking me up before time. There goes the alarm 16.24 minutes later. The hard part begins. It is 4:45am and the next alarm is at 5:10 am.

4:50 am:Just 5 more minutes please. My body pleads with the mind.

4:55am: I dash out of bed , brush my teeth , make my bed, pick out my outfit for the day, wear the gym clothes and sip my orange infused water (Boujee for water put in a water bottle with slices of oranges).

5:10am: phone alarm rings. I am on the final staircase down wondering if I must go to the gym every morning. The security guard opens the gate and says “Jana sikukuona ukitoka”( I did not see you leaving yesterday). The bed was too tempting I answer

I jog to the gym , onto the treadmill for 30 mins and onto the days work out. I have made friends in the gym and accountability is key. I guiltily tell them that the day before my body refused.

You see, when you wake up so early to go to the gym, only 2 or 3 people are in there and you just can’t ignore the 5am club. They are like your brothers and sisters who you meet every morning.  You will assemble near the water point and talk of the body goals you want to achieve, the challenges you are having in life, ask questions about what is going on in their lives as you sip on the water.

The 5am club in the gym gives us time to be loud. Shout as we tell stories and the usual “strong ” (motivation) when you are almost giving up. It works for me. Trading stories with the wise and older generation  makes it worthwhile. I happen to be the youngest member at 27. Scratch that, the gym instructor is the youngest and does not take part in the banter.

7 am: people have trickled in as we leave to conquer the day. The energy is at a good high, your confidence is at the top and the skin breathes in as you walk into the streets.

Your victory on this day is imminent.


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